Step Into My World…

Archive for May 26, 2010

The Day’s Crises!


So today I was finally getting on top of my slightly piled up work load until I was walking back to work from visiting a client when I suddenly remembered today was the last day I could return a dress I bought. Thank God it was 4.30pm, time for me to finish work and that I remembered otherwise I’d be out £55! Argh! But then it was a manic drama of getting my sister and her friend to go back to the house (because they were closer to the house than me), get the dress, and bring it to me… only when they got to the house they realised they were locked out and so they had to jump in the car, come get me from work cos i had spare keys, me grab the dress, and then everyone leg it into town again before it was too late!!! Serious encomic crisis! 😉

My rib has been hurting me today… still… but i tink it’s getting worse so when Laura and i got back from town i mentioned it to mum who felt my rib and called the doctor. Because i dont have a doctor (im on the waiting list) they gave me the number for what i think is a government run doctor and mum will call tomorrow for me… so hopefully we’ll get to the bottom of the problem sooner than later! i’m just glad mum and Laura are feeling this lump and that its not my imagination! i just hope it isnt anything serious… but then again i cant for the life of me work out what it is! maybe it’ll be like “my big fat greek wedding” and they’ll find my twin inside my rib or something! a physical crisis!

I’m not having an emotional or mental crisis today…yey! although i’ve had some pretty awesome emails from people regarding my “Sleepless thoughts” post. I’ll have to find time to respond but know I’ve received them, read them, and was touched 🙂 thank you. i think england has permanent weather crises! food crisis! i made pasta for the family and we didnt have enough sauce… gutted! nothing a load of cheese and garlic bread couldn’t sort of make up for the lack of flavour! there are quite a few people i know that are having a crisis over “Lost” now that it’s come to an end lol. I’m having a craving crisis for chocolate but im kind of obsessed about my weight.

ok i’m rambling… I’ll save you from it! ciao gente!